Sunday, July 24, 2011

Was Yesterday

The second anniversary of my stem cell return.

How did I celebrate?

I went to a party. A party in honor of the person I spoke about in my December 31, 2010 post. She passed away in April. When I thought of her I remembered several comets that appeared in the sky during my teen years. I had never seen one before and a couple of them during that time were "no shows." Never saw them. I can't remember specifically which one I did see, but I did see it. The best time to observe it was sometime after midnight. As I usually went to bed in the 9:30-10:00 time frame, I didn't stay up to see it, but I did wake up sometime after midnight one night, looked at my clock and then went to the kitchen window of our house, which faced east, and I saw it in the sky. It wasn't the blazing ball of fire that I expected, but rather a slightly glowing streak that stretched from near the eastern horizon to somewhere almost directly overhead. "What a bust," I thought, "Maybe Halley's comet in a few years will beat it." I saw Halley's comet in 1986 and was not impressed.

As I remembered my friend yesterday, I remembered that I have two of her messages to me on my answering machine. I will not erase them. They were messages in which she called me her friend and a hero. Hero....hardly. I was fortunate enough to get to meet and know her in a short time frame (less than a year), but we shared conversations about our cancers (her cancer was different than mine) and how to deal with the mental challenges. During her cancer experience, she grasped life and lived it and it was never more demonstrated than in a picture of her that was at the party yesterday. It was a picture of her dancing on the beach in a sundress a few months after her diagnosis.

The comets in the sky were not so much. The bright light that shone in my friend and still shines in the hearts and memories of her family and friends......impressive.

 "It will not come by watching for it. It will not be said, 'Look here!' or 'Look there!'. Rather, the Father's kingdom is spread out upon the Earth, and people don't see it!"

1 comment:

jj said...

Rather than simply leave them on your answering machine where they might be erased accidentally, use your computer mic (do you have one?) to make a sound file of your friend's messages. Then email them to yourself. That way, you can even listen to them when you are not at home.

In the email, type transcriptions of each message. Then when your hearing goes (tee-hee) you can read them. xoxxo
