Wednesday, May 19, 2010

My Current Favorites

Obviously, I'm a big fan of CURE Magazine right now. But....I was before all the fun last week. I told them in a note that there were days that something I read in their magazine picked me up when I needed it. It has my endorsement and it is a great resource for patients. And, it's FREE! Check it out. The kindness that the magazine expresses is mirrored by the people that work there. Each and every staff person I met last week had the ability to make you feel as if you were the only person in the room when they spoke to you.

I also want to direct you to The National Coalition For Cancer Survivorship. They also have some fantastic resources that are free.

In addition, they recently published this on their e-newsletter. The picture alone should keep their web page virus free.

Wakan Tankan Nici Un

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