I heard a story today from another person currently receiving treatments for cancer.
He is part of a male quartet and one day when he was receiving chemo, the other 3 guys in his quartet showed up and presented a mini-concert to the other patients in the room. One of those patients was another gentleman who apparently had been having a tough time emotionally with his diagnosis and treatment to the point of being known as a pretty cranky patient. Never having good things to say about anything.
The day after the "concert," the person who told me the story was back in the clinic for follow up. While there, one of the nurses told him about the cranky gentleman and that he asked after the quartet had finished, " I saw 4 guys singing, but I only saw 3 of them walk out of the room. Where did the 4th guy go?" The nurse responded, "He's sitting over there in that chair receiving treatment."
The nurse related to the person telling me the story that upon her response to the cranky guy, she could see a look come over his face as if to realize that maybe he didn't have to be cranky all the time. Maybe, there are good things to come from a diagnosis and treatment that crankiness can obscure from view.
Not to say a cancer patient can't be cranky. I had my share of it. I talk about it in earlier posts. However, if the patient had a cranky doctor or nurse, they would ask to switch. Doctors and nurses don't have that luxury. Yet, to a person, all of the doctors and nurses that I talked to would say, "It's because of the patients that come to us with an overall good outlook that keep me in my job. Otherwise, I'd see no reason to stick around."
Good stuff.
Up next for me....Banana Smoothie for breakfast tomorrow. 6 month CT scan to follow at 8AM. Results a few days later. Seriously, I have no anxiety about it.
And also with you.
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