"Cold hearted orb that rules the night
Removes the colours from our sight
Red is grey and yellow, white
But we decide which is right
And which is an illusion" - Graeme Edge
Walked to my car this morning, little bit of a spring in my step. Thinking about the next few days, where I've been and where I am. Feeling pretty good.
Within the hour, a call from my doctor's office telling me the full report was back on my complete blood count from last week (some things need to go to a lab) and that I would need to resume the IVIG infusion process (here's the post that talks about it from when it first entered my lexicon). I guess my chemotherapy treatment from last summer is still having it's own fun in my body. I asked if it was "normal" that this is occurring and the nurse replied that it isn't normal, but it does happen to patients who have received my form of treatment. My IGG counts are not as low as they were last fall, but they are just under the level that requires infusion.
It does not mean that there is any sort of cancerous activity taking place. It simply means that even though I tolerated all of my chemo treatments reasonably well, it was some pretty serious juice and it does take a toll on the body's blood system and requires some time to reset.
Fortunately, I do have the "bright shiny object" of San Diego to look forward to and frankly, I'll enjoy spending some quality time back with the good folks at the clinic. I have my first infusion next Thursday (the 20th) at 9:30AM. Ironically, I could receive my last infusion somewhere close to the exact day that I received my last chemotherapy infusion last year.
There have been times that I forgot I had cancer (even when I was being treated for it). So, thank goodness for my own special form of ADD.
On another note, I wrote another essay of sorts that is going to be published in this month's e-newsletter produced by the National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship. I will let you know when it is up or you can go here and keep your eyes peeled for it.
And now, off to think about packing.
I have a "ghostwriter" who will post Thursday night's results on the blog for me on Friday morning. I'll put pictures and stories up over the weekend after I get home.
* The Moody Blues
Good luck to both you and Annette. Have fun in San Diego.
Ghosts And Globulins in 2009, and a ghostwriter in 2010 will keep you and your fans in good spirits.
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