Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Lou Gehrig Said It Best

I visited my MCV friends on Sunday. I dressed up just for them. Seems they had a problem with my wardrobe choices when I was there last year. Something about me not being coordinated. These 4 ladies are the ones that made the biggest fuss.

Can you see any reason why they would have an aversion to what I was wearing?

"...Yet today I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of this earth....So I close in saying that I may have had a tough break, but I have an awful lot to live for." - Lou Gehrig


Unknown said...

We ICE’ed him, we RICE’ed him, we CHOP’ed him with R

And even through transplant – he was a star!

Not once did he give up his grace or his style

No hardship endured could bring him to rile

A person like Frazee- that is so rare

And by the way Greg, not all get a bear!

Greg said...

AND....she writes poetry! We'll have to write one about bone marrow biopsies!