Friday, January 8, 2010


Fresh ones. I miss them. They'll be back in a few months.

Also, a clever title to get you to read today's post.

Wanted to share this with you from

"The one-year relative survival rate (the percentage of people who survive at least one year after the cancer is detected, excluding those who die from other diseases) of people with NHL is 80%. The five-year and 10-year relative survival rates are 65% and 54%, respectively."

I'm sharing this not to ask you for a pity party. Rather, it's to tell you not to be misled by these kind of statistics that you may come across. You see, the 5 year statistic only applies to someone who was diagnosed 5/10 years ago. In addition, the statistics quoted are from 2008. Get it?

With advances in treatment since in the last five years, the five-year survival rates are most likely trending upward. I have confirmed it with the cancer professionals with whom I've discussed it.

I'm just sayin.

Now...on to the bone marrow biopsy and IVIG appt. in a few hours.

If the Nurse Practitioner doesn't laugh today, I'm going to have to let her go.

1 comment:

skippy said...

First. Tomatoes? I don't like tomatoes, so I almost skipped the post. Not really, but still.