Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Go Where You Want To Go

"Barium sulfate is frequently used clinically as a radiocontrast agent for X-ray imaging and other diagnostic procedures. It is most often used in imaging of the GI tract during what is colloquially known as a 'barium meal'.

Barium sulfate is also used as a high temperature oxidizer in certain pyrotechnic formulas, as barium compounds emit a green light when burned. Barium nitrate is more common in green pyrotechnic formulas, as it contains an oxidizer while still producing green colored light." -

Had I only known...........(don't even go there, Skippy!)


Anonymous said...

Thank you for warning Skippy. Please put the matches down.

- Judith

skippy said...

So many jokes. So little bandwidth....

JPNtheHUN said...

It is Friday afternoon--you are in my thoughts and prayers.