Saturday, June 5, 2010

No One Can Love This More Than Me

Got a package in the mail on Thursday. It came from my favorite artist. The picture is of what was in the package. Now, it's my favorite mug made by my favorite artist.

She is a friend of my Nurse Practitioner. She lives in San Jose and flew down to San Diego the other week to hang out with us. The two of them hadn't seen each other in 4 years and they got to spend some time together. How cool was that!

This news cracks me up. I may have posted it before, but I searched my blog and didn't see that I had. If I have, I apologize, but it's great stuff. I do see humor in it, however, it's an amazing example of what is going on in the medical research community. My senses are heightened to this kind of thing and I am amazed and pleased when I hear it. Plus, if this becomes reality, I'M A GOLD MINE!

"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known." Dr. Carl Sagan

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