Thursday, February 19, 2009


Saw some of my Maryland Football friends last night. Was good medicine to see them.

I has dinner afterwards with my friend Sammy and I was telling him that sometimes I get confused about how easy it has seemed to go through the "alien" challenge. Trust me, there have been some awful days. I told him that from day 1, I have had complete trust in my caregivers (except for a nurse's assistant in the hospital that asked me a goofy question about my urinary output that I won't post here) and all I have had to do is tell my brain to keep sending signals to the heart to keep pumping blood so that all the other organs could keep working.

The challenge for me ahead is to maintain the weight that I have lost. To be proactive, I will give up sugar snacks (does not exclude fruits, juices) again this year for Lent. I've done it in the past and I can do it this time. Trust me, when I've done it in the past, I've lost weight and even the worst chocolate tastes amazing on Easter morning when you've given it up for Lent.

In addition, I recognize the power of the continuing good thoughts and prayers that my supporters have sent me. Some people have said, "I haven't done anything for you during this." I reply with "Have you been thinking of me?" When they reply in the affirmative, I tell them, "That's good medicine for me. Thank you!"

The picture above was sent to me by a friend. He visited this place (a temple in the country of Bhutan near Tibet, India and Nepal) once and he thought I would appreciate the image. It's amazing and reaffirms the power of creativity, craftsmanship and compassion that is given to us humans.

1 comment:

JPNtheHUN said...

love the pix--road trip?