Saturday, September 26, 2009

Contents In Package Do Settle After Filling

I was pretty fired up yesterday that I would be able to do some more things (like going back to church, going into the office, etc.) than I have been doing. I was a bit disappointed to learn that those things are still on hold - especially since I feel really well.

However, the numbers don't lie and the blood counts still indicate that there is still work to do and that my immune system is still compromised. For example, my platelets were lower yesterday than they were two weeks ago, but are higher than they have been in months. When you have been get treated medically in the past and recovery has come in a matter of days, it's sometimes difficult to get your head around a treatment that lasts for months, possibly years.

A day's worth of introspection helps sort things out.

"Some men are born to live at ease, doing what they please,
Richer than the bees are in honey
Never growing old, never feeling cold
Pulling pots of gold from thin air
The best in every town, best at shaking down
Best at making mountains of money
They can't take it with them, but what do they care?
They get the center of the meat, cushions on the seat
Houses on the street where it's sunny..
Summers at the sea, winters warm and free
All of this and we get the rest...
But who is the land for? The sun and the sand for?
You guessed! It's all for the best..." - "Godspell" / Stephen Schwartz


Pat said...

Just remember Aesop's fable..."slow and steady wins the race." Things worth having are worth waiting for. I think that's enough cliches for one day.:-) Hang in there, the goal line is closer every day!

pnlkotula said...

I look for you every Sunday. We've been going to the early service, and I'm now a "teacher" in the 2 yr. old Sunday School class.

Do you know, when Jamie was born eight years ago, and stem cell research was in pretty early stages, Paul and I called and surfed and made every effort to find a place to donate the cord blood for research purposes. At the time, it was impossible. I don't know if you can now or not. We could have paid a small fortune to have it frozen for our own personal future use should the need arise, but we were completely unable to donate it. I hope that has changed now and I am thankful that the knowledge and technology exists for you to get the treatment you need. Keeping you in our prayers.
