Friday, February 27, 2009

In Order of Importance

1) Bo Baker - from his Caring Bridge journal: "Dear friends, our hearts were broken a little more today. Bo's tumor was a Stage 3. The cancer had invaded lymph nodes surrounding the kidney." He is facing a pretty long treatment program (25 weeks).
To follow his journey:
Your thoughts and prayers mean the world to he and his family.

2) I've finally given chemo treatments a nickname: "Drugs and Hugs." That pretty much sums it all up.

3) I was running an errand after chemo treatment (er, I mean "Drugs and Hugs") today and saw a fellow treatment patient that was in the treatment room with me 3 weeks ago. He had spotted me and said to himself, "He looks familiar," and then I spotted him and walked over and asked him if he was who I thought he was (trust me, that's an error I didn't want to make - assuming it was someone who is being treated for cancer - there isn't much room for error in a salutation - FYI: I used, "Don't I know you from Johnston Willis Hospital?"). He was who I thought he was and we were having a good conversation and then I spotted someone who looked like someone from my church. He looked at me and came over and called me by the name of someone who goes to his church. The three of us had a great conversation.

It is those moments to which I can't assign the word "coincidence." I believe they are from a higher source than humanity. They are moments of grace and peace with the intent to comfort. They are real. I encourage you to look for them, facilitate them, recognize what they are when you receive them, but most of all "Go Good" with them!

1 comment:

JPNtheHUN said...

hey you! Just want to say you are in my thoughts (and prayers) today! Thanks for keeping up with the positive reminders of things that truly matter.