Go to the link below and you will meet my favorite superhero. He is the person I mentioned the other day who is the son of a friend of mine in North Carolina. In addition to his bravery of fighting the fight that is ahead of him, he is a NC State fan and is in the University of North Carolina hospital.
There is a place on the website where you can send him your best wishes. I encourage you to do so (let him know how you know of him). I have been contacted by total strangers during the alien's visit and it has meant the world to me.
"Go Good" Bo!
Thanks for sharing Bo Baker with us! There was a neat article in today's Wash Post Health section about a man dealing with chemo by watching Leave it to Beaver--http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/02/16/AR2009021601008.html.
It is amazing/reassuring to me that so many people are dealing with their diseases in such positive, upbeat ways.
Thanks again Greg for what you are doing.
Don't worry. The Tar Heels in the white jackets will take good care of the little Wuffie. The boys in blue however will just take it out on the Pack Wednesday night and the Terps on Saturday.
Get well Bo.
- Judith
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