Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Most people say "What?"

Today was a MUGA scan (that's what people say "what" about). It's purpose is to examine the pumping chamber of your heart to determine if your heart is going to be able to pump the chemo. Ideally, a painless procedure. However, since Mr. Alien is very afraid, when I am laying flat, he puts pressure on my torso and causes this sharp pain behind the left shoulder blade. It hurts (especially when laying flat and dealing with it for 30+ minutes). I wasn't amused or very witty after that.

Tomorrow is 3 appts. and then UMD vs. vatech. So. I might not post until Friday with tomorrow's and Friday's details. I'll try to post something witty (or maybe even inspiring - probably from the Stuart Smalley school of motivation, or from the Steven Wright school of wit.).

Hey, we're up to over 300 hits in 3 days! end of week...1,000 (or 600 and a TERP win tomorrow night will be just fine.).


4Turners said...

Hey Greg...thanks for sharing your story this way. I started following along earlier today when Kathy T shared the link with me. I'm sorry I missed seeing you and meeting your brother when you were by the church earlier this week

We'll be checking in with you - hopefully not pestering you too much, but enough to remind you that your church family is right beside you on this journey!


SDPC said...

Sorry about the Terps. Hopefully the VA Tech fan that watched the game with you was gracious, but i doubt it.