Friday, November 21, 2008

Economic Crisis

Reading a book yet? Are you finding yourself caring about the character(s) as a person? If so, you are on your way to helping fix the economy.

Another book recommendation (I read it a few years back and then reread it last year and will read it a third time soon): "Peace Like a River" by Leif Enger. Another richly detailed, well told story.

Some of you have mentioned "Skippy" and his devotion to the blog. I won't divulge his identity, but he is a good friend I know from doing theatre in Richmond. I remember walking into an audition and seeing this guy that I didn't know wearing a shirt with the "SPAM" logo on the front. We were friends shortly after that.

Not much else to say today. Need to sleep off a headache. Other than that, my razor sharp wit is still intact.


skippy said...

First! Holy smokes, I'm famous. I've been mentioned in Greg's Alien! Those that know me IRL will certainly be able to figure out who I am from my own blog, Your Darn Skippy. Feel free to swing by. If you've read it and you still want to know who I am (no guarantees that you will), just post a message over there. I'll reveal my secret identity. LOL.

Greg, you have to explain cause now I'm worried about whether I'm helping the economy or not. I'm reading Washington, D.C., by Gore Vidal, and NONE of the characters are particularly likeable. I want to know what happens to them because the story is compelling, but ... they're very flawed people.

Naps are excellent for curing headaches, but discouraged here in my office (or cubicle, I should say).

random fan said...

Celebrity status should be officially recognized as I am the 40th follower.....will wait for the confetti and grand prize! Now onto more important ugly rumor is circulating regarding the annual apple butter event. It appears that the apple butter chef is on alien suspension for the moment. I am here to rescue this holiday tradition:
Apple butter...alien style:

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N ew apple butter recipe

8 cups of apple sauce
4 cups of sugar (2 white - 2 brown)
1/2 cup of vinegar or cider
2 t cinnamon
1 t ground cloves
Put all into a crock pot & cook on high for approx. 7 hours. Make sure the steam can escape when it starts boiling.
You can store in the fridge or freeze for later use. Canning would also be a good option. Fill jelly jars with hot sauce & process in a boiling water bath home ET and let the apple butter begin!

Kathleen said...

OMG, is this the famous Greg apple butter recipe??? I was just thinking about Greg's apple butter. I hope you are feeling better after your nap and ready to cheer on the Terps tomorrow!! Did you listen to the radio show Wednesday night?

Anonymous said...

Good talking to you today, a most lucid event. Your attitude is one most of us could better emulate. Go Terps!