Wednesday, November 19, 2008

What's that sound?

Why it's me crowing a little bit. Some of the stomach distention is down today and I am wearing a button down shirt that didn't fit last week. It's a little snug, but every play doesn't have to be a touchdown; first downs are fine too (Still haven't gotten over Chris Turner's run on 4th and 5 against the Tar Heels last week).

There were two winners of the "Guess What Hat Shows Up First" contest. My friends Joy and Jackie called it. The stocking cap showed up Monday. The Irish hat showed up yesterday. Prizes to be selected and named later.

Overall, feeling good. I get all I can in (errands, work, calling clients) by mid-afternoon and then I chill.


skippy said...

First! What the heck happened to German reliability? Stoopid Barvarians.

Nice to hear that it sounds like the Alien is losing weight rather than forcing you into weight loss! Go meds! Beat the Alien!

First and ten. Chemo do it again!
First and ten. Chemo do it again!

skippy said...

And oops. Sorry to see I forced you into pre-approval mode .... My bad everyone. Just overzealous, I guess. Where's the blushing emoticon???

blsgmsb said...

That's something to crow about . . . congrats! Happy you are feeling good, and can hardly wait to read about the hat contest prizes! See you soon.

JPNtheHUN said...

Congrats on the shirt!