I'm singling out the NBC Nightly "News" "Newsman" for his script last night. He led the broadcast with "There is no inoculation for swine flu." We know this. However, there are treatments, but that's not exciting enough. I promise that I watch very little TV news and every time I take a peek, it's like an inoculation for me.
As my immunities are compromised during chemo and will be wiped out when I get the "sucker punch" chemo, I'm pretty sensitive to swine flu news. The news does make me be more cautious about interaction with those who may be ill. It makes me be more thorough when I wash my hands. It also makes me use reusable grocery bags rather than hand baskets or grocery carts that are carrying who knows what on their handles. I'm also more diligent about carrying my hand sanitizer with me.
However, there is some mind over matter in all of this. The doctors and nurses are all about getting my head in the game with my "fun." It's very important to have a good attitude through all of this. I believe the mass media is creating a world of stress. One can make themselves sick worrying about getting sick. I've been sick before due to stress I've imposed upon myself. When I finally felt better, I realized how stupid I was to do that to myself.
I challenge you to turn off the news and do something for yourself or someone else during that time. We get upset if someone calls during the dinner hour, but we give permission for news organizations to invade our minds during the same time frame. We complain that no one gives good news during the newscasts. Why don't you be some one's good news during that time? I'll take your call.
I wonder if Brian Williams will pay my co-pays when I have to visit a counselor. I'm also close to not caring about the horse he came in on.
Off to Camp Chemo today for Day Camp. We'll have fun in there. Always do!
Next up....Good Days!
First. Leno, who was sick with the flu (not H1N1 as far as anyone knows), had a great line. He explained, "What happened was - and I think was a mistake - I ate a raw pig a friend brought back from Mexico .... It was delicious."
And cut Brian Williams some slack. He was hilarious in his cameo for "30 Rock."
Forgot to mention that I get all my news from The Daily Show and Colbert Report. Much more palatable.
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