Wednesday, March 11, 2009

What I Learned By Reading...

Frankly, there was a lot to do, read and absorb at the outset of all of this. I was given white papers on all of the drugs that are involved in my treatment. I skimmed through them initially and read all of the side effect stuff (nausea,hair loss,dizziness, etc.).

Last night, I was reading them in more detail and discovered that one of the drugs has an extract from the "May Apple" plant (which is very cool because it grows in the forests where I grew up in western Maryland) and another of the drugs has effects on the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. So that's why there was the dramatic weight loss, I guess.

The steroid drug would taste better if it tasted like ramps (those of you "mountain folks" know what I'm talking about).

The good Father was warning his listeners about the suddenness of death. "Before another day is ended," he thundered, "somebody in this parish will die." Seated in the front row was a little old Irishman who laughed out loud at this statement. Very angry, the priest said to the jovial old man, "What's so funny?" "Well!" spoke up the oldster, "I'm not a member of this parish."


skippy said...

First! Guess I'm not "mountain folk." I thought a ramp was how you got on and off of 95.

Anonymous said...

I am a "mountain folk", but I still think ramps are disgusting! I think I'd choose the steroids. Had them before and they are better than ramps! Course I haven't tried Greg's ramps, maybe he has a secret recipe.

JPNtheHUN said...

Ok, so for the rest of us you are gonna have to explain -- what's ramps?

Anonymous said...

I love me some potato and ramp soup!
